Choose the activity that you wish to see from the list below. All activities are in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF) and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.
- Experimental Analysis (PDF)
- Statistics and Graphing (PDF)
- Measurement (PDF)
- Basic Skills Capstone: Inferential Statistics (PDF)
- Basic Skills Capstone A (PDF)
- Basic Skills Capstone B (PDF)
- Home Energy Audit (PDF)
- R-Factor of Various Materials (PDF)
- Home Analysis (PDF)
- Home Energy Capstone (PDF)
- Nuclear Decay (PDF)
- Radiation Exposure (PDF)
- Nuclear Energy Capstone (PDF)
- Coal (PDF)
- Natural Gas (PDF)
- Fossil Fuel Capstone (PDF)
- Ecological Footprint (PDF)
- Trees and Carbon (PDF)
- Carbon Cycling (PDF)
- Personal Carbon Impacts (PDF)
- Carbon Cycle Capstone (PDF)
- Calories and Land (PDF)
- Ozone Capstone (PDF)
- Hydroelectric Energy (PDF)
- Solar Energy (PDF)
- Renewable Capstone (PDF)
- Water Use (PDF)
- Drinking Water Treatment (PDF)
- Wastewater Treatment (PDF)
- Atmosphere (PDF)
- Earthquake Epicenter (PDF)
- Home Chemicals (PDF)
- Age Structures (PDF)
- Population Growth (PDF)